Schizophrenia & Suicide: Finding Hope, Meaning, and Direction by Marcia A. Murphy

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Video by Jeff Charis-Carlson, Director of Communications & Media Ministries, St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Iowa City:  Promo Video

Book summary:

In Schizophrenia & Suicide: Finding Hope, Meaning, and Direction (Foreword by Del Miller, PharmD, MD, Professor, Psychiatry Department, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine), the author shares how as a person with schizophrenia the thought of suicide, for her, and also for others with this disease, can be a constant threat to their well-being. In this book she explores the topic of survival for people who have a mental illness, for whom self-destruction through suicide is all too common in the age of medicines, psychotherapies, and peer counselling. In addition, what role do faith communities play in counteracting this affliction and what are the responsibilities of the mentally ill, themselves, in choosing life over death by finding real meaning for their lives.