A Prayer of Advocacy

Healing begins with our sensitivity, compassion, and concern for one another. Recovery begins in the individual person, supported by a community of care. Our well-being depends upon the knowledge, skills, and services of others, and on systems that provide treatment, aftercare, and a place for those in recovery to strengthen and grow. Health has to do both with individual lives and with the larger life of our neighborhoods, nation, and world. The petitions in the prayer below remind us that the work of healing involves many levels.


We pray for all who struggle with brain injuries, mental illness, addictions, trauma, and abuse; for all who are fearful and anxious, and for all who suffer in the health of their self and personhood.

We pray for our families in their love and care and limits as they seek to provide relief and foster recovery for loved ones.

We pray for counselors, nurses, doctors, therapists, psychologists, social workers, and case managers, for their good training; and for the administrators and support staff of mental health centers, clinics, and hospitals.

We pray for our neighborhoods, that in every community there may be effective outreach, doors that open readily to care, supportive housing, meaningful work, and opportunities to share in sport, craft, art, and fellowship.

We pray for our public servants, representatives, and leaders, that they may organize effective systems of service and care, blending well the strengths and power of local, county, state, national, and world resources, both public and private.

We pray for institutions of research and learning, so that the human community may advance in its understanding and treatment of mental disorders.

We pray for the conditions of peace, justice, and harmony necessary to the health of us all.

We pray for this congregation, and for all communities of faith, that we may continually take up the work of healing and care as we each are able.

We pray for all these things in Jesus Christ’s Name, Amen.

Source: Presbyterians for Disability Concerns (PDC), PHEWA, Presbyterian Church (USA)