
In Homeless: The Unbefriended Poor, Marcia Murphy models a rare capacity to listen with compassion and without judgment. Her account of one unhoused man’s journey stands against common stereotypes and suggests the myriad forces and accidents of history that can lead to homelessness. It poses the question: what else might we learn about the human beings around us if we have the patience to listen, and the courage to open our hearts?

John Allen, Herschel G. Langdon Clinical Professor of Law, University of Iowa College of Law


Thank you . .  . the book is really important. Thank you for addressing a serious issue by having conversations with the people impacted.

Anne Mangano, Collection Services Coordinator
Iowa City Public Library


This writing project was part of Mental Health Initiatives (MHI), an outreach ministry of Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church, Iowa City.

MHI promotes the dignity, value, and inherent worth of people who live with mental illness, advocating through educational means, as well as providing practical, psychological, and social support. Please consider supporting the homeless mentally ill, a much neglected and marginalized segment of our society whose voices often go unheard.

Video book summary HERE

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